Episode 218 - Telltale Signs: Parsing the Ace of Base Nazi Rumours (Side B)


Much like last week, a warning before we begin: this episode contains the discussion of some fairly charged and unpleasant topics, including some deplorable ideas and music. Please be aware in advance that this show features some isolated samples and we’ve added them into this episode because we’re discussing a difficult topic and we trust our audience to exercise their own discretion. Hopefully you find this to be an informative and a cautionary journey. Enjoy!

Last week we put Ace of Base in the context of the wider Swedish pop music movement, and how on the face of it, there’s really not that much about them that could lead for people to believe that they are some kind of secret Aryan pop project.

This week we place the Nazi politics that Ufe courted in his teens into the wider context of Swedish politics itself. One of the members of that band he was in, Commit Suiside, went on to be the leader of Sweden’s far-right Sweden Democrats party.

We interrogate that idea of them being some Nazi pop group and dive into the album The Sign, look at some of the ideas conveyed in the lyrics and also take some very strange articles about this band to task for a multitude of different reasons.

And then, we reach our conclusions - are this band Nazis or not?

A fun episode, if a little dark. Hopefully you stuck with us. Next week, we’re going in a vastly different direction…

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