Episode 162 - The ABBA Mixtape (Side A)

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Oh lord it’s another two parter. However, you should rejoice as it is our long promised ABBA mixtape and boy is it a TRIP.

First of all, thanks to Tommy Smith for first suggesting that we should do an ABBA episode. Initially we scoffed at the idea - ABBA? They’re not unsung! - but Chris suggested they could be ripe for a mixtape. Eventually, we said we would do it but only if we got ten new subs. Well folks, we got them in the end and here we are.

Once we’d dived deep into ABBA’s catalogue - which is, by the weird, a truly strange collection of music in places - we realised that their final album, The Visitors, could actually have qualified for this show as it is brilliant and very unsung. Alas, we’d already committed and thus agreed that each of us would pick three tunes each for a playlist. We then added in some friends in the form of Ferrucio Quarcetti, Crag Carrick and Hazel Burgess.

Which is a little bit of a spoiler for what will come next week. This week, we have a game. Observe the graphic below:


This is the AXIS OF ABBA. We each took turns at placing one of the 18 songs at either side of the screen somewhere on this axis. It generated some good banter and some nice thoughtful discussion too. Particularly about the pan pipes and shit. Yes, that was a thing. Sometimes it’s great, other times it’s a big WTF but that, as you will come to learn (if you weren’t already aware of course) is ABBA.

Next week - our picks, some words from friends and more.