Unsung Podcast

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Episode 192 - Origin of Symmetry by Muse w/ Fran and Babs from Over/underrated music podcast (Side A)


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EVEN MORE GUESTS?! WHY! Well, because it’s fun and across these next two episodes you’ll really begin to see why because our guests Fran and Babs from the excellent Over/underrated music podcast have chosen Origin of Symmetry by Muse.

This turned into the most EPIC of two parters, so you better strap the fuck in for this one because we had so much to talk about that we didn’t even get to the band’s discography in part one. That’s right, there was just so goddamn much to talk about with Muse that we spent an entire episode talking about the band’s history and, more specifically, the history of Matt Bellamy’s weird conspiracy theory fixation, and how that seems to inadvertently align with a lot of the bullshit spouted by people who like Q-anon and InfoWars…

But we digress. This episode is really quite entertaining and we end with a game of “Who said it: Matt Bellamy or Alex Jones” and the results are….frightening.

Next week we’ll talk about the band’s discography and Origin of Symmetry itself, but for now, buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Don’t forget to check out Fran and Babs’ podcast too. We’ll have them back on in the future, so get acquainted!